This article is three things, a list of Facebook groups for insurance agents, tips for using Facebook groups to help your insurance career or socialize with other agents, and suggestions for hosting an insurance Facebook group to best help your members, personally and professionally.
Facebook groups are a great way for the members to gain knowledge that doesn’t come from book learning. People have real-life experiences they share, and members can ask real-life questions of the group members.
About 50 Facebook group names & links are sprinkled through-out this article.
Advance Insurance Marketing
All Things Food & Insurance
Annuity Giants
Insurance Soup
Insurance Training USA
Life Insurance Agents
Medicare Guru
Medicare Insurance Agents
Six-Figure Medicare Agent
To get the most from your Facebook group experience remember to always be kind to others, and think before you post. If you have a question, take a moment to search the group for your question, to see if your question has already been asked and answered, all groups have a search feature. You can search for discussions, and also search for other members to see their posts, perhaps you like a member’s comment on a subject, you can search to find their other comments.
The most important parts of being a good Facebook group member are sharing, contributing and being kind. Contributing includes asking and answering questions. You certainly don’t have time to answer lots of questions, just help out now and again when you have a minute to share. Sharing is posting something useful, fun or interesting to the group. And kindness lifts up the whole group.
Kindness is a top priority, be kind, always be kind. Never answer a question with a snide comment or make a post that disparages others. It’s very simple, if someone asks what you might consider to be a stupid, ignorant question, rather than giving a tart reply, please, simply do not reply. Snide comments in a group diminish the whole group, it makes everyone hesitant to ask a question for fear of being mocked. But it is actually worse for the negative commenter, they come off looking like a bully, and people know what a bully is. Everyone is tarnished by negative and harmful comments, “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothin’ at all” – Thumper.
To help find a group that you suits you, read the group’s summary in the sidebar, and read the About page, and check the rules. Then when you ask to join, chances are good you will like the group, but if you change your mind after joining, it only takes a moment to quit a group.
Agency Ai
Fitsurance Agent Mindset
Health Insurance Hustlers
Independent Health & Life Insurance Agents
Insurance Agents Marketing w/NAAIP
Marketplace Mastery
Medicare Rockstars
Ms. Medicare
SSBI Agent Connect
The Insurance Syndicate
When joining a group, most Facebook groups will ask a couple of questions and also ask you to accept the rules. For many groups, the questions are more of an anti-spam thing, kind of like – are you a bot. The Admins of a group are also looking at more than your answers, they are looking at when you joined Facebook to check that you did not just join today just to spam. They will hoover over your Facebook name to see the caption of who you are and that your profile picture doesn’t contain anything objectionable. If you are fairly new, the Admin may click on your Facebook name and look at your profile page to see that you are active, posting, and not posting bad things, or only posting selfies like spammers often do, no content just pictures of someone, probably not even them.
So go join some groups to learn and share. There is always something to learn from others. Remember to be kind and helpful, never hurtful.
Awesome Insurance Professionals
Digital Life Insurance Agents
Help For Insurance Agents
Insurance 411
Life & Health Insurance Agents
Medicare Mentors
Professional Life Insurance Agent Discussion
Texas Health Insurance
Texas Insurance Agents
Texas Insurance Agents Network
If you are a Facebook Admin, the tips for members are also good for Admins, be kind, contribute to your own group, and share. Beyond that, control your group, never allow a spiteful or mean post to stand, delete if quickly, the longer it lasts the worse taste it leaves in everyone’s mouth, and it makes you, the Admin, seem uncaring to leave such a negative comment stand and hurt others. And remove posts that distract from the groups such as foreign posts and selling posts unrelated to the group.
There are couple of ways to handle the bad posters. If the comment is not too bad, simply deleting the post should suffice. If the poster does it again, then when you delete the comment you can add a note to the deletion. If the post is really bad, obviously you would delete the member from the group and block them.
There is another situation that may arise with negative posters. If you have a new group, or members have been allowed free rein within your group, there may be several of people come together, like a gang, and assault other posters. To deal with this situation, the first step is to remove the bad posts, but if these posts have been out there for a time and lots of people have seen them, then perhaps make a comment in the thread to have respect for others, no negative comments allowed, this acknowledges to your members that you are on top of things and don’t tolerate such posts.
In my own groups, I use Thumper’s quote. If I catch the post quickly, I simply delete it. If I wasn’t on line for awhile, and many people saw a bad post, I apologize to the members for the delay in deleting the bad post, and ask them to please don’t be put off by negative comments, they will not be tolerated. This usually quells the problem. Only once has someone come back at me to dispute my deletion of their comment. I am very forgiving and tolerant, but this person was excessive with their comments. My answer was swift and decisive, I did not waste my time with them, I quickly deleted and blocked them, that was the end of it, there was no discussion with the offender, nor any dramatic posting to the group. In addition I private messaged the person who was the brunt of the harassment and apologized. I never made a drama within the whole group.
Here is my key to dealing with negative people, give them no discussion, and certainly no arguing, for those type of people it is all a game. I don’t have time to play silly games. My Facebook group is for the members, and no one is allowed to bully or hurt them, they are under my protection. I simply delete a bad person and move on. The whole group does not need to suffer the drama.
So please do all of your group members a favor, don’t start a discussion about someone’s bad behavior, about how you had to delete a person and what a bad person they were and how abused you were by them, etc., your members are in your group for pleasure, don’t drag them into the drama of an Admin. Members don’t need or want to know how the sausage is made. Keep your members out of your drama. And never get into a public argument with a bad member, delete their post, if necessary take it to messenger, or just delete that person, that simple.
All Things Medicare and Life Insurance For Agents
How to Market & Sell Insurance to Seniors
Independent Insurance Agents
Insurance Advertising & Marketing
Insurance Creatives
Insurance Funnels, Advertising & Marketing Insights
Insurance Q & A and Networking
Life Insurance Agent Discussion
Life Insurance Lead Generator
Medicare Broker Group
Also as an Admin, don’t lecture or abuse your members. If people do things in the group that you don’t like, such as over-posting, not following your rules, or whatever, deal with that specific person or persons, don’t make everyone suffer through your angry tirade of a post. Remember what Thumper says, and “don’t say nothin” in a public post, take if to messenger if a comment is warranted. Your members don’t need to know about your anger, they don’t even understand the “sides” much less what the game is. Stand up as an Admin and deal with issues yourself.
It’s much like business management, you don’t confront someone in front of other employees, you talk to them in private. There are countless negatives for getting into a public discussion, debate, or confrontation, absolutely no one comes out a winner, including you. In a social media business environment, as an Admin the rule should be, don’t tell the world your troubles, and do keep your drama to yourself.
My suggestion, write out your irritation in a letter, to get if out of your system, but don’t post it publicly. It’s annoying to people to have to listen, much less have to read, a lecture for something they don’t even do.
Along with keeping the drama out of your group, don’t make 500 hundred rules for every single possibility, keep it simple, and basic, and again, deal separately with individuals that do stuff wrong. Example of simple rules: no negative posts, not adult material or links, no politics, no over-posting, etc. Don’t write a paragraph to describe each rule, it’s not necessary, people won’t read a long list of “don’ts” anyway. If you feel you much go into more detail for some legal reason, do it after you write the simple basics.
Life Insurance Agents, Mortgage Originators, Networking
Medicare Marketing & Technology For and By Agents
Property & Casualty Test
Selling Insurance Over The Phone
Support For Independent Insurance Agents & Agencies
The Evolved Broker Insurance Group
The Health Insurance Agent Hub
The Insurance Ladies
WISE Women Ins Share Empower
In closing.
This is not a complete list, there are so very many insurance Facebook groups, but it is a good list to help you get started joining and learning from your peers on Facebook. These groups are a mixture of insurance related subjects and various size groups, since some people may prefer small groups and others may like big groups.
This list was created to help everyone, but especially people new to insurance. Many people find it difficult to locate even the basic information they need to get started, and hard to find good training. While Facebook groups are no substitute for training, they might help you find a direction or the help you need to learn and group your business. Best of luck find some groups you truly enjoy!
Happy Facebooking!